Herbs for General Health


Allergies are mostly genetic and environmental disease  which passes on from one generation to another. When a person’s immune system is weak or hypersensitivity, he is more prone to be allergic. Allergies can be due  to dust particles, pets, pollen, insecticides, pesticides, chemicals and sometimes from medicines too. In most cases weather play important role in the cause, for eg. Allergies are of many types like Drug allergy, Food allergy, Contact dermatitis, Seasonal allergies, Animal allergy, Latex Allery etc. Out of all, seasonal allergies are most common and it causes itching, sneezing, irratation and other similar symptoms. Even food allergy is equally common, which is due to allergic reaction after consuming certain food item. There are medical treatments available based on the medical tests like a blood test or skin test  and medical history.

Symptoms of allergies

General symptoms are of having allergies in most of the cases are:-

·         Sneezing

·         Coughing

·         Low fever

·         Dullness

·         Throat infections

·         Irritating nature

·         Stomach ache

·         Eye infections.

·         Body pain

·         Headache


  •      Take rest as much as you can  relieve your body so that it is easier to for the body to recover well.
  •    Avoid drinking cold drinks. Cold coffee, juice, shakes etc.
  •    Do gargle with hot water and salt for throat infections.
  •    Eat healthy food to avoid stomach infection or food poisoning.
  •    Avoid eating food from the market, fresh home made food is must for the daily diet.
  •    Regular washing your eyes with cold water, so that eye infection does not get worse.
  •    Doing yoga regularly, it helps in better breathing and also good blood circulation in the body.
  •    Measuring body temperature regularly

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