Oligospermia/Low Sperm Count

What is Oligospermia?
Oligospermia / low gamete count: It is a condition of low concentration of sperm, in which the quantity of sperm in semen is less that 20 million per ml.This condition could also be temporary or permanent. Azoospermia differ from Oligospermia as in azoospermia is due to absence of spermatozoa within the ejaculation.
Primary causes of low sperm count:
- High fever
- High temperatures
- Certain allopathy medicine
- Toxins like lead, arsenic, mercury
- Hormonal Disbalance (hypo/hyper-thyroidism, hypopituitarism, etc)
- H/o severe diseases
- Smoking
- Excessive alcohol
- Recreational drug use
- Varicocele
- Varicose veins round the testes
- Inflammation of the testes
- Radiation exposure
- Radiotherapy

Luqmani Medicine
Benefits of Luqmani herbal and homeopathic treatment
· Our treatment is free of side effects.
· We have observed
· Our treatment is effective in 90% of sperm abnormalities i.e. less Sperm count, less sperm motility, low quality of semen and abnormal morphology of sperm cell.
· The lowest count which can be helped is 0.1 million per ml. Though we have seen remarkable recoveries even in the cases of azoospermia also.
·Our treatment helps in increasing blood supply to testicles and penis it is very effective for increasing sperm quality, quantity
· Our treatment has
· The best part is that even when the patient stop the Homeopathy treatment sperm count remains higher, on the other hand in male hormones therapy (allopathic treatment), it falls and at times the sperm count fall is very severe, shortly after allopathy treatment is stopped.
Many sterile men obsessed regarding their low sperm cell count – and this looks to become the central concern in their lives. homoeopathy will take all this embarrassment and might keep you out of the strain of physiological condition. It conjointly helps to boost general health of the patient, because it maintains mind, body and soul functions in balance.
Homeopathy provides the best treatment in Oligospermia. There are many medicines that provide good relief in physiological state / low sperm cell count. However, the proper selection and therefore the ensuing relief could be a matter of expertise and right judgment on the part of the medical practitioner.