Weight loss

What Are The Best Herbs For Weight Loose?


Top 26 Best Herbs For Weight Loose

For those who want natural help to loose weight it is only natural to seek herbal remedies that may help with dieting.  In addition to eating plenty of foods from our complete list of healthy foods adding certain herbs to your daily diet can amplify your fat loss. The reason being is that most people trust nature over man-made supplement that are often made of chemicals and compounds that we have never heard of and are crazy difficult to pronounce.

Not exactly the kind of stuff some people are comfortable putting into their body to be filtered through their liver… no mater how effective they may be.

For those of you who would rather put your trust in mother-nature than some unknown chemist and quake-duck “scientist, we will explore some of the best herbs to help burn fat.

Still, keep in mind that not all these herbs have been tested by the FDA.  Some have been tested by various medical studies.  Some may have been used by other countries’ traditional medicine such as China.  So do some further reading on any of these that peak your interest and come to your own conclusion about their effectiveness and safety factor.

The Best Herbal Aids For Weight Loss

  • Bitter Orange: People use this supplement as an alternative to the banned ephedra.  It works in a similar manner, basically by acting as a stimulant.  And being a strong stimulant it carries many of the same risks as ephedra.  It has not been researched very thoroughly at this time.
  • Garcinia (Garcinia Cambogia):
  • Guarana: Guarana stimulates your nervous system, helps with stress, and can aide people with depression.  Due to its known properties of helping your emotional state it can also help prevent you from making emotional eating decisions which is a huge plug.  Additionally it is a diuretic which will not really help you lose fat per se but it can be a useful benefit of this herbal supplement if you have problems with water retention.
  • Dandelion: Dandelions don’t just grow in your otherwise pristine green yard… they also have a great effect on your body.  They act as a minor diuretic and help lower cholesterol.  Add to that the fact that they contain quite a few vitamins and minerals and help your body get rid of fatty acids and you really have no excuse not to add some dandelion greens to some soup or salad.  You can even make tea with them or buy them in droplet form.
  • Guar Gum: When eating guar gum you are much less likely to over eat because this gum has a ton of fiber which keeps you feeling full and less likely to overeat.   This derivative of the Indian Cluster Bean is also known to help with diabetes and decrease LDL (your bad Cholesterol.)
  • Hoodia : An herb from the African Kalahari Desert that is claimed to aid fat loss by acting as an appetite suppressant.  Apparently the local tribesman would use it suppress their hunger and thirst for long hunts.
  • Cayenne Pepper:
  • Black Pepper:
  • Mustard:
  • Turmeric:
  • Cardamom:
  • Cumin:
  • Ginseng: Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus Senticosus) in particular is a great substitute for “pick me up” quality of coffee.  Throw some in your tea and enjoy the increase of stamina and decreased fatigue.  You will notice more energy when you go to work out as well as more regular blood sugar levels which both indirectly help you lose fat.
  • Flaxseed: Can be used as a “bulking agent” when you soak them in water before eating them.  The water makes the mucilage coating of whole flaxseeds expand and neither the seed nor thier coating are well-absorbed by your stomach.  Again like some of the other fat loss herbs listed here, this can elp you lose fat because of the full feeling it produces with very few calories.
  • Ginger: Ginger is not just an something to take when you get a cold. It is also useful for reducing acidity in your stomach by making it more alkaline.  The high fiber content of Ginger will aslo help clean your digestive system and porduce a more filling feeling.
  • Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Verum): By helping to regulate your blood sugar levels and your cholesterol cinnamon indirectly helps you fight some of the fat by keeping more from accumulating on your body.  Basically it is helping your body digest whatever fat you consume by helping your liver process it more efficiently.  Try using it in your coffee or tea instead of sugar.  You can also take it in a capsule format.  Since it helps regulate blood sugar it will be most useful for herbal weight loss if you take it prior to eating your meal.
  • Green Tea Extract or Green Tea: Green Teas helps you to to lose weight by boosting your metabolism and decreasing your appetite.  It does this through a class of antioxidants called catechins.  Aside from helping with fat loss, green tea also has the added benefit of killing free radicals.  What other supplement decreases your chance of getting cancer while burning fat at the same time?  Pretty cool supplement.  I would recommend getting the decaffeinated Green Tea Extract capsules so that you can get the proper dosage to be useful toward fat loss without the jittery side effects.  Green tea extract comes in both liquid and capsule form. Find out more about green tea’s many benefits beyond dieting purposes here.
  • Glucomannan: Glocomannan helps you lose weight by slowing glucose (sugar) absorption by your intestines.  This is a relatively new supplement and it does not yet have much research about it.
  • Guggul
  • Laminaria: Laminarai is a natural thyroid regulator.  If you gained some weight due to an hypoactive (under-active) Thyroid then Laminaria may help you lose some fat indirectly by helping your Thyroid function more efficiently again.
  • Ephedra: Remember this one?  It was banned from sale in the US a few years back because of it’s supposed dangerous side effects?  Well these were likely due to people taking the wrong dosages and the FDA flipping out as they often due before the proper investigations into these “related”deaths were preformed and long term studies conducted.  According to the FDA ephedra was responsible for people having very adverse side effects including stroke, psychosis, heart attacks, and death. Because of this the FDA decided the risks outweighed the benefits and prohibited ephedra in the US.  However if you live elsewhere in the world you may still be able to get your hands on this herb.
  • Psyllium:
  • Senna: Some people use Senna to help with weight loss but it is really a laxative.  The FDA has actually approved it as a laxative.  I suppose you could count that as a very short term weight loss supplement, but don’t count on using it in the long term for this purpose because it can throw your bowels out of whack.
  • Gymnema Sylvestre: This comes from a plant that grows in Africa and India.  It does its magic by tricking your taste buds.  Apparently it works by binding to the receptors on the taste buds so that you cannot taste sweets very well (This effect is not permanent.) This has been demonstrated in people to reduce the amount of sweets they consume which can in-turn help with weight loss. Try consuming 300 milligrams 2 – 3 times a day spaced out before meals.
  • Water: Okay, I know, I know…  That’s not really an herb but I wanted to add it here because it’s one of the simplest things you can do to help you shed fat.  Simply drink more water so your body can work like it should!  Many of these herbs may also increase your need for water since some of them increase your metabolism and have diarrhetic effects so be sure to fuel your finely tuned machine with the fuel that it craves… H2O!


2 thoughts on “What Are The Best Herbs For Weight Loose?

  1. Tezelle says:

    I purchased some herbs from the SOUK when I visited Dubai last year. I need more

    1. Ali says:

      Sure, which herbs did you buy

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